Friday, July 9, 2010

New Timber Retaining Wall and Backfill

With the holidays, the past two weeks have been a bit slow with little things dones every few days. next week is big as pipes and electric is scheduled to go in along with a new stone wall. Here are a few photos from the past week or so.

Side note, backfilling is expensive when you factor in a Cat and the stone. Recommend negotiating this stuff as much as possible upfront as many pool builders don't include backfill/compacting in their project.

Building the Timber Wall.
The crew actually had to take apart to put in another set of deadmen higher on the wall.

The Backfilling Begins with Stone
Backfills the pool to what's called pipe grade so the pipes can be put in during the next step.

The Crew Compacts the backfill

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